The student union is managed by the student union board, which manages the various units of the student body and under which the staff works. The board is elected by the council every year in May. All Tallinn University students who are studying at Tallinn University at the time of application can apply for the board. A board member may not belong to any political party during his term of office.
The board of the student union has 3–7 members.
The chairman of the board is responsible for general management, information, administrative and economic areas, external relations and the functioning of representatives in various units.
The vice-chairman of the board in the field of social policy is responsible for access to higher education (including counseling, tuition fees, learning environment, well-being of students with special needs, student housing, children’s room) and the social and health well-being of the student population.
The advisor to the board is responsible for the coordination and development of various events in the field of education and advises the board on organizational and educational issues.
The staff includes a secretary and a communication specialist. The secretary coordinates the work of volunteers and is responsible for the sales area of the NGO. The communication specialist manages the media channels of the student body.
The student body of Tallinn University is also a part of various decision-making bodies of the university, for example, we protect the interests of students in the Senate of Tallinn University, at the general meetings of various unions, in the council of the Union of Estonian Students’ Unions, in the councils of various institutes and much more.
The TLÜ student body representative has been a member of the Estonian Student Union (EÜL) since 1991. EÜL is a student umbrella organization founded in 1991 that represents the Estonian student body. The main goal of EÜL is to stand up for the educational and socioeconomic rights and interests of students.
Tallinn University students participate extensively in the management of the university and are aware of their educational, social, cultural and societal opportunities and actively use them.
The mission of the student body of Tallinn University is to stand up for the rights and interests of students and promote development opportunities.
The predecessor of Tallinn University (Tallinn Pedagogical University) is the Tallinn Teachers' Seminary, founded on September 15, 1919. Over the decades, however, the seminar underwent several reorganizations, and in 1952, the then Tallinn Teachers' Institute was transformed into a higher education institution. This year can also be considered the birth of the future TU student body.
The Student Council in today's sense was formed in December 1990, when the first democratic elections were held for the Student Council of the Tallinn Pedagogical Institute (TpedI).
During the period of Soviet occupation, the Komsomol organization within the school performed to some extent the function of representing the student body in the higher bodies of the university. In 1989, the previous form of student representation of TPedI was exhausted under the banner of the Komsomol. The same functionaries re-adapted to the student union, which was not yet a democratically formed association representing students.
On October 2, 1990, at the extended meeting of the TpedI student union (participating corporations and the management of the institute), Ants Tooming, a student of the Faculty of Culture (Corp! Fraternitas Liviensis), proposed to form an effective democratically elected student representation in the higher education institution, following the example of the student representative organizations operating in the Republic of Estonia.
At the beginning of November 1990, a meeting of the corporatist wing for the organization of representation elections was held in the hall of TU, where the lists of candidates for representation by corporations were presented. On December 10, 1990, which can also be considered the official creation/birthday of the TU Student Union, the voting results were revealed.
In the weeks following the elections, several representative meetings took place, where the so-called power in running the affairs of the student union was taken into the hands of the newly elected representative. It was also decided that the representative council of the student union of Tallinn Pedagogical University will call itself a representation, but not a representation. Indrek Palu was elected the first chairman of the TPÜ student council, but he soon resigned. After some time, Agu Vahur was elected in his place, who was the chairman until the next regular elections.
However, the student councils that took office at the end of the 1990s led to a period of active student politics, as the TPÜ student council began to intervene more actively in the decision-making processes of the university and strongly participate in the activities of the Estonian Students' Union (EÜL). The formation of the current structure of the student council (chairman, two vice-chairmen and 5 committees - 21 members) also falls in this period.
Students fighting for the interests of students have started to act on the basis of faculties, since, for example, in 1999, the Student Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences (STÜN) of TPÜ was created to strengthen student representation at the faculty level. On the initiative of the student council and under the leadership of the students of the faculties, in the spring of 2004, student councils were also created in the Faculty of Education and Physical Education.
The goal was to create student councils in all faculties and other academic units of TÜV. In 2003, the first group of supporting members was also involved in the activities of the student union - in addition to 21 elected members, around 15 active supporting members worked in the committees of the student union and participated in the seminars of the Union of Estonian Students. A significant jump in student voter turnout took place in the spring of 2004, when compared to the 2003 elections, twice as many students took part in the elections (in 2003, 8.7% of the student body participated, but a year later, in April 2004, 16.4 % of TPU students).
The TLÜ student body representative has been a member of the Estonian Student Union (EÜL) since 1991. EÜL is a student umbrella organization founded in 1991 that represents the Estonian student body. The main goal of EÜL is to stand up for the educational and socioeconomic rights and interests of students.
The logo may only be used in the form and colors shown above. If the place of use allows it, the color version must be used.The logo must not be changed, deformed
or display in poor quality.
Download the logo in the required format HERE.
Eksmati on elanud terve elu Laias laanes. Lapsena laulis ta Laialaane mudilaskooris, noorukina tegi oma bändi, kus jänes mängis trummi, karu flööti ja ta ise laulis ning tinistas ka kitarri. Muidugi on Eksmati ka aega teeninud ja seda nimelt metsaväes. Nüüd osaleb ta Kaitseliidu Tallinna Ülikooli rühma tegemistes ja kaitseb kõiki TLÜ tudengeid koos teiste vapratega.
Tallinn University's blanket is cream-white with a cherry-red edge. The interwoven unbroken line of the ornament embroidered on the ceiling of the deck symbolizes the cohesion between the members of Tallinn University and helps to remember the values of the university. White means academic spirituality and freedom, red the unity of the university family, and black academic demandingness and patriotism. Students, alumni, rector, vice-rectors, members of the university senate, regular professors, docents, lecturers, researchers, senior researchers and assistants can wear the tekli. First-year students can purchase a blanket starting from the second semester. At the same time, the best first-year students are also thanked at the Rug Ceremony, where they receive a rug as a gift.Decks can be purchased from the student union office, room S-139.
The selection of Tallinn University rings includes a silver ring, a gold-plated ring, and a gold ring. The appropriate size can be selected in the student union office (S139). The rings are made in the esteemed Roman Tavast OÜ. Rings are ordered twice a year (in autumn and spring).
For ordering and additional information:
The student body of Tallinn University awards merit badges to persons who have contributed to the promotion of student life at Tallinn University with their activities or have distinguished themselves with other achievements and increased the value of our university.
All students have the right to propose people who deserve the honor to the Honors Committee. The committee awards decorations in November, and they are ceremonially presented at the student union's birthday celebration.
Maecenatus Studiosorum (supporter-mark). Awarded to a person who has long-term supported the development and activities of the student union. It is given to the rector of Tallinn University at the end of his term of office. The II degree medal is awarded to a representative of the student union from outside the university.
Studiosus Assiduus (operator-character). The 1st degree medal is awarded to a university student or alumnus for outstanding activity in the development of the student union. The 2nd degree medal of merit is awarded to a university student for his contribution to the work of the student union.
Studiosus Magnificus (great student). Awarded to a University student for outstanding individual achievement while performing as a University student or representing the University.
The committee consists of:
1) the speaker of the council;
2) a council representative appointed by the council;
3) chairman of the board of the student union;
4) representative of the student councils elected at the meeting of the student council boards;
5) alumni of the two representative bodies of the student union named by the council
a representative, one of whom has previously been awarded a medal;
6) PhD student of the university named by the council.
To submit a candidate, send a letter to, where it is written:
1) the name and contact details of the nominated candidate;
2) the class of decorations to which the candidate is nominated;
3) the reason why the candidate deserves the medal;
4) your name and contact information.
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus Magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi I järgu teentemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus Magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Maecenatus Studiosorum (toetaja-märk) I klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus Magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus Magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Maecenatus Studiosorum (toetaja-märk) I klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus Assiduus II klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus Magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus Magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus Magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus Magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus Magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus Magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus Magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Tänukirjad: Helen Mägi, Karmen Aasma, Kristina Marfeldt, Marleen Valdmaa, Artur Adamson, Erle Neeme, Regina Maslova, Tauri Kirsipuu, Kerttu Tihti, Silver Fokin, Aivo Jääger, Teele Teras, Annika Nässi, Jonas Kunnberg, Taiki-Viia Tungal, Martin Paluoja, Martin Merimaa, Doris Kahu, Elizaveta Cheremisina, Merlin Hurt, Ago Kitsemets, Karl Mattias Sepp, Sander Paekivi, Reetta Hämäläinen, Kevin Piperal, Kerli Saarelaid, Anna Vahter, Saskia Tõugjas, Laura Laaster, Liisi-Ann Karro, Anastasia Sovtšhenkova, Gerda Jürgen, Andri Sisask, Leane Jefimova, Sander Eerik Sandrak.
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus Magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Tänukirjad: Helen Mägi, Eva-Maria Vaher, Karmen Aasma, Karl Sprenk, Egon Erik Holger Liinar, Regina Maslova, Kaarle Olavi Varkki, Liis Ivaste, Monika Lell, Triin Heinaste, Helen Loos, Hele-Riin Metsal, Elis Koor, Marianne Jõesaar, Karin Salu, Doris-Marii Kondrat, Liisi Sepp, Taiki-Viia Tungal, Tauri Kirsipuu, Anna Vahter, Jakob Mellov, TLÜ turundus- ja kommunikatsiooniosakond, TLÜ rektoraat, Oaasi juhataja Jonas Kunnberg, Marleen Rootamm, Elina Lait, Anna-Helena Purre, Triin Roos ja Andrus Muuga.
Maecenatus Studiosorum (toetaja-märk) I klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus Magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Lisaks said Üliõpilaskonnalt tänukirjad: Riinu Raasuke, Elina Lait, Anna-Maria Uulma, Maarja-Liis Viljak, Andrus Muuga, Joonas Laiapea, Kertu Soodla, Anna Vahter, Jakob Mellow, M. U. E. Kakkori, Taiki-Viia Tungal, Hasan Steinberg, Grete Mai Keert, Marius Zivolupov, Virve Hansar, Mihhail Korb, Elisa Sokk, Vesse Jämsä, Kaur Kukkur, Karl Avasalu, Märt Tammisaar, Evelin Laanest, Vanessa Vorteil, Gerttu Blank, Kelli Vällo, Martin Raudsepp, Martin Riik, Aneth Rosen, Riin Agur, Karmen Aasanurm, Benjamin Klasche , Ingemar Essenson, Monika Koks, Kertu Strazdin, Kristiina Vaikmets, Heleriin Jõesalu, Milvi Mõsovski, Kaido Mägi, Jete-Maria Vürmer, Triin Salin, Mari Vibu ja Adeele Tähemaa
Tulenevalt registripidamise puudulikkusest võib info 2013. aasta laureaatide kohta olla ebakorrektne.
Studiosus assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Maecenatus Studiosorum (toetaja-märk) I klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi teenetemärgi pälvisid:
TLÜ Üliõpilaskond andis II klassi esimese järgu teenetemärgi Eero Loonurmile and Ivar Veskiojale. Sama klassi teise järgu laureaatideks osutusid Kadi Kask and Ragnar Tammeleht.
III klassi teenetemärk “studiosus magnificus” (suur tudeng) omistati Jelena Glebovale silmapaistva üksiksaavutuste eest, mis on tõstnud Tallinna Ülikooli mainet.
Maecenatus Studiosorum (toetaja-märk) I klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klass II järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Maecenatus Studiosorum (toetaja-märk) I klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvis:
Maecenatus Studiosorum (toetaja-märk) I klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi II järgu teenetemärgid pälvisid:
Studiosus Magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi I järgu teenetemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus Magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi II järgu teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Maecenatus Studiosorum (toetaja-märk) I klassi teenetemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi teenetemärgid pälvisid:
Studiosus Magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi teenetemärgid pälvisid:
Maecenatus Studiosorum (toetaja-märk) I klassi teenetemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus Assiduus (tegutseja-märk) II klassi teenetemärgi pälvis:
Studiosus Magnificus (suur tudeng) III klassi teenetemärgi pälvisid:
Üliõpilaskonna volikogu tööd juhib volikogu spiiker, kelle põhiülesanneteks on volikogu istungite ettevalmistamine, kokkukutsumine ja juhatamine. Kõik volikogu istungi ajal tehtud otsused ja määrused peab spiiker koos istungi protokollijaga allkirjastama ning avalikustama.
The work of the Student Union Council is managed by the Speaker of the Council, whose main duties are to prepare, convene and preside over council sessions. All decisions and regulations made during the council session must be co-signed by the speaker and the recording secretary of the session and then made public.
Personalijuhi töö on juhtida ja koolitada üliõpilaskonna personali, vajadusel leida kontorisse uusi töötajaid ja praktikante ning edendada motivatsioonisüsteeme kontoris.
Vabatahtlike koordinaator on üliõpilaskonna tugisammas, kes toetab, juhendab ja innustab üliõpilaskonna üliõpilasnõukogusid ja klubisid. Samuti on tema ülesanne edendada koostööd üliõpilaskonna juhatuse, personali, volikogu, klubide ja üliõpilasnõukogude vahel. Kui soovid liituda üliõpilaseluga või mõtled lausa uue klubi loomisele, siis pöördu just tema poole. Ta on siin, et aidata Sul leida oma koht ülikooliperes ja toetada Sind uute algatuste elluviimisel.
Need help or guidance? The Student Union assistant is the person you can confidently turn to. Additionally, you can buy merch from them, such as the university cap and ring, which will be a great keepsake from your university days. In case of any issues, they can also assist with issuing ISIC or ITIC cards, and if you order a card through the school, you’ll receive it from them.
The document manager helps the Student Union with everything related to documents – records, archives, manages the Student Union’s invoices and checks and personnel documents. In addition, she coordinates the communication of the Student Union with the university’s office and the finance department and assists, guides and advises in financial and document-related operations.
A board member in the field of education policy leads the educational activities of the Student Union. Their responsibilities include supporting and advising the members of the student councils’ board in organizing representative activities, updating educational legislation, and ensuring internal communication.
The Marketing and Communications Manager is responsible for compiling the newsletter for the students. They also manage the Student Union’s website ( and social media, creating content and marketing Student Union events.
The role of the chairman of the board is to support and manage the work of the Student Union at Tallinn University. In addition to the general management of the Student Union, her tasks also include the management of the economic field and external relations and student representation. The Chairman ensures the smooth functioning of the Student Union by providing practical and strategic support and advice.
Juhatuse liige hariduspoliitika valdkonnas juhib üliõpilaskonna haridusalaseid tegevusi. Tema ülesanded hõlmavad üliõpilasnõukogude juhatuse liikmete toetamist ja nõustamist esindustegevuse korraldamisel, haridusvaldkonna õigusaktide ajakohastamist ja sisekommunikatsiooni tagamist.
Vajad abi või suunamist? Üliõpilaskonna assistent on see, kelle poole võid julgelt pöörduda. Lisaks saab tema käest osta meeneid nagu ülikooli teklit ja sõrmust, mis jäävad Sulle toredaks mälestuseks ülikooliajast. Mure korral aitab ta ka vormistada ISIC või ITIC kaarte ja kui tellid kaardi kooli saad selle kätte just tema käest.
Dokumendihaldurina abistab üliõpilaskonda kõigega, mis on seotud dokumentidega – protokollib, arhiveerib, haldab üliõpilaskonna arveid ja tšekke ning personalidokumente. Lisaks koordineerib ta üliõpilaskonna suhtlemist ülikooli kantselei ja rahandusosakonnaga ning abistab, juhendab ja nõustab rahandus- ja dokumendialastes toimingutes.
Turundus- ja kommunikatsioonijuht vastutab tudengitele suunatud infokirja koostamise eest. Samuti haldab ta üliõpilaskonna veebilehte ( ja sotsiaalmeediat, luues sisu ning turundades üliõpilaskonna üritusi.
A board member in the field of social policy manages the social policy sector of the Student Union. This includes advising on and addressing issues related to financial aid, access to higher education, tuition fees, the learning environment, students with special needs, student housing, and childcare facilities.
The Student Union’s human resources manager’s job is to manage and train the Student Union staff, find new employees and interns for the office if needed, and promote motivational systems in the office.
The Volunteer Coordinator is a pillar of the Student Union who supports, guides and inspires the student councils and clubs of the Student Union. It is also her job to promote cooperation between the Student Union’s board, staff, council, clubs and student councils. If you want to join the student life or even think about starting a new club, contact her. She is here to help you find your place in the university family and to support you in implementing new initiatives.
Juhatuse liige sotsiaalpoliitika valdkonnas tegeleb üliõpilaskonna sotsiaalpoliitika valdkonna juhtimisega. See hõlmab nõustamist, toetusi, ligipääsu kõrgharidusele, õppemakse, õppekeskkonda, erivajadustega üliõpilasi, üliõpilaselamuid ja lastetoa küsimusi.
Juhatuse esimehe roll on toetada ja juhtida üliõpilaskonna tööd Tallinna Ülikoolis. Tema ülesanded hõlmavad lisaks üliõpilaskonna üldjuhtimisele ka majandusvaldkonna ja välissuhete juhtimist ning üliõpilaste esindamist. Esimees tagab üliõpilaskonna sujuva toimimise, pakkudes praktilist ja strateegilist tuge ning nõu.