ESN Tallinn University International Club (IC) is an organization that was founded in 2006 as part of the student body of Tallinn University. IC is also a division of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN), internationally known as ESN TLU IC.
The aim of the club is to offer international students a fun and enjoyable university life and introduce them to Estonian culture. For this purpose, we organize many interesting trips and fun events, including a welcome concert, a cultural evening, an international high-speed train, workshops and much more.
Of course, our goal is also to help students in adapting to life in Estonia and in educational matters. We actively work to improve the social and practical integration of international students and represent the needs and rights of international students at local, national and international levels.
In cooperation with university parties, we offer relevant information about mobility programs, motivate students to study abroad and contribute to improving student mobility and accessibility.
If you want to be part of an international group of friends, regardless of whether you are an Estonian or a foreign student, write us
or by prior agreement come to our office S-141.
Manager Adedeji Adeniyi
Debuty manager Hanna-Maria Johanson
Events manager Ruth Karu
ESNcard is the Erasmus Student Network membership card. This is a proof of membership in some ESN section and thus participation in the entire ESN network. ESNcard is also used as a discount card in many cities and countries across Europe.
The purpose of the membership card is to support and provide opportunities for international students during and after their exchange period.
The ESN membership card can be obtained from the C office, room S-141. Bring your document photo and 15 euros in cash.
Kontori lahtiolekuaja infot uuendatakse pidevalt meie Facebooki lehel.
Feel free to write for more information!
SocialErasmus is an international project of ESN, which invites young people to contribute to voluntary activities during their exchange studies in order to contribute to social changes and charity in society.
The goal of the project is to enrich the international experience with volunteering and to promote a social attitude among young people – to understand society’s problems and work on solutions.
The vision of the project is to show the added value of volunteer work as part of the mobility experience. The slogan of the project is Leave Your Mark! Leave Your Mark! ehk Jäta oma jälg!
Erasmus in Schools (Erasmus in Schools – EiS) was ESN’s flagship project and has been operating since 2013. The goal of the program organized within SocialErasmus is to promote mobility at an early age.
Local ESN departments organize surveys in primary and secondary schools so that our exchange students can organize activities in schools such as introducing their country and culture, language learning, etc.
If you want to join this program, please contact us by e-mail at
he TLU IC student support program consists of volunteer students who carry the title of "student buddy" and help international students. At the request of the student, an active student buddy is assigned to him, who helps the foreign student to adapt better in the new country. The work of a student buddy starts from the moment when he sends a greeting to a person coming to Estonia or to an e-mail that has already arrived.
As a first step, a buddy can meet you at the airport/bus station and help you get safely to your accommodation. Of course, a buddy also helps with, for example, administrative matters, as well as getting to know Estonian culture. Student buddies give answers about transport, banking, the health system and of course the university. A student friend knows where to go, what to do and is ready to answer all your questions about life in Estonia.
All TU students and alumni are invited to become a student buddy through the student support program.
If you are interested in joining our great group and helping new students in their adaptation to Estonian life, please contact us by e-mail at or via Facebook Tallinn University International Club.
Üliõpilaskonna volikogu tööd juhib volikogu spiiker, kelle põhiülesanneteks on volikogu istungite ettevalmistamine, kokkukutsumine ja juhatamine. Kõik volikogu istungi ajal tehtud otsused ja määrused peab spiiker koos istungi protokollijaga allkirjastama ning avalikustama.
The work of the Student Union Council is managed by the Speaker of the Council, whose main duties are to prepare, convene and preside over council sessions. All decisions and regulations made during the council session must be co-signed by the speaker and the recording secretary of the session and then made public.
Personalijuhi töö on juhtida ja koolitada üliõpilaskonna personali, vajadusel leida kontorisse uusi töötajaid ja praktikante ning edendada motivatsioonisüsteeme kontoris.
Vabatahtlike koordinaator on üliõpilaskonna tugisammas, kes toetab, juhendab ja innustab üliõpilaskonna üliõpilasnõukogusid ja klubisid. Samuti on tema ülesanne edendada koostööd üliõpilaskonna juhatuse, personali, volikogu, klubide ja üliõpilasnõukogude vahel. Kui soovid liituda üliõpilaseluga või mõtled lausa uue klubi loomisele, siis pöördu just tema poole. Ta on siin, et aidata Sul leida oma koht ülikooliperes ja toetada Sind uute algatuste elluviimisel.
Need help or guidance? The Student Union assistant is the person you can confidently turn to. Additionally, you can buy merch from them, such as the university cap and ring, which will be a great keepsake from your university days. In case of any issues, they can also assist with issuing ISIC or ITIC cards, and if you order a card through the school, you’ll receive it from them.
The document manager helps the Student Union with everything related to documents – records, archives, manages the Student Union’s invoices and checks and personnel documents. In addition, she coordinates the communication of the Student Union with the university’s office and the finance department and assists, guides and advises in financial and document-related operations.
A board member in the field of education policy leads the educational activities of the Student Union. Their responsibilities include supporting and advising the members of the student councils’ board in organizing representative activities, updating educational legislation, and ensuring internal communication.
The Marketing and Communications Manager is responsible for compiling the newsletter for the students. They also manage the Student Union’s website ( and social media, creating content and marketing Student Union events.
The role of the chairman of the board is to support and manage the work of the Student Union at Tallinn University. In addition to the general management of the Student Union, her tasks also include the management of the economic field and external relations and student representation. The Chairman ensures the smooth functioning of the Student Union by providing practical and strategic support and advice.
Juhatuse liige hariduspoliitika valdkonnas juhib üliõpilaskonna haridusalaseid tegevusi. Tema ülesanded hõlmavad üliõpilasnõukogude juhatuse liikmete toetamist ja nõustamist esindustegevuse korraldamisel, haridusvaldkonna õigusaktide ajakohastamist ja sisekommunikatsiooni tagamist.
Vajad abi või suunamist? Üliõpilaskonna assistent on see, kelle poole võid julgelt pöörduda. Lisaks saab tema käest osta meeneid nagu ülikooli teklit ja sõrmust, mis jäävad Sulle toredaks mälestuseks ülikooliajast. Mure korral aitab ta ka vormistada ISIC või ITIC kaarte ja kui tellid kaardi kooli saad selle kätte just tema käest.
Dokumendihaldurina abistab üliõpilaskonda kõigega, mis on seotud dokumentidega – protokollib, arhiveerib, haldab üliõpilaskonna arveid ja tšekke ning personalidokumente. Lisaks koordineerib ta üliõpilaskonna suhtlemist ülikooli kantselei ja rahandusosakonnaga ning abistab, juhendab ja nõustab rahandus- ja dokumendialastes toimingutes.
Turundus- ja kommunikatsioonijuht vastutab tudengitele suunatud infokirja koostamise eest. Samuti haldab ta üliõpilaskonna veebilehte ( ja sotsiaalmeediat, luues sisu ning turundades üliõpilaskonna üritusi.
A board member in the field of social policy manages the social policy sector of the Student Union. This includes advising on and addressing issues related to financial aid, access to higher education, tuition fees, the learning environment, students with special needs, student housing, and childcare facilities.
The Student Union’s human resources manager’s job is to manage and train the Student Union staff, find new employees and interns for the office if needed, and promote motivational systems in the office.
The Volunteer Coordinator is a pillar of the Student Union who supports, guides and inspires the student councils and clubs of the Student Union. It is also her job to promote cooperation between the Student Union’s board, staff, council, clubs and student councils. If you want to join the student life or even think about starting a new club, contact her. She is here to help you find your place in the university family and to support you in implementing new initiatives.
Juhatuse liige sotsiaalpoliitika valdkonnas tegeleb üliõpilaskonna sotsiaalpoliitika valdkonna juhtimisega. See hõlmab nõustamist, toetusi, ligipääsu kõrgharidusele, õppemakse, õppekeskkonda, erivajadustega üliõpilasi, üliõpilaselamuid ja lastetoa küsimusi.
Juhatuse esimehe roll on toetada ja juhtida üliõpilaskonna tööd Tallinna Ülikoolis. Tema ülesanded hõlmavad lisaks üliõpilaskonna üldjuhtimisele ka majandusvaldkonna ja välissuhete juhtimist ning üliõpilaste esindamist. Esimees tagab üliõpilaskonna sujuva toimimise, pakkudes praktilist ja strateegilist tuge ning nõu.