Fulltime Caregiver
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Job offer. Do you love spending time with babies — their innocence and how they love to be in your arms? Do you find yourself drawn to help those who struggle more? We are looking for a fulltime caregiver for our tiny little daughter, Eloise, who has special needs (though we could make part time help work until September, and then fulltime). We are Americans living in the Viimsi area and would love to hear from you.
A short video introducing you to Eloise: https://www.youtube. com/shorts/08rfRo6ozrQ
Find out more about the role here: https:// eloisethetinyfighter.com/2024/ 12/07/looking-for-a-new- tugiisik-for-eloise/
Follow her on Instagram: https://www. instagram.com/ eloisethetinyfighter