Tallinn University Student Union

Get in touch!

You can find us:

Tallinna University, Narva maantee 25, S-144 ja S-142 (Silva first floor)

Julija Raudkivi

Speaker of the Student Union Council

Kärt Kaasik-Aaslav

Chairman of the Student Union Board

Aleksandr Roms

Member of the board of the Student Union in the field of education policy

Sharon Kaasik

Member of the board of the Student Union in the field of social policy

Heliise Tamm

Student Union assistant, document manager

Sander Põldmaa

Student Union Marketing and Communications Manager

Elise Tilk

Human resources manager of the Student Union, volunteer coordinator

Ask or give feedback!

If you want to leave feedback anonymously, do not enter your name or e-mail address. Please note that we cannot answer you personally, but we can consider the content of the letter.
