Tallinn University Student Union

Literature club

The Literature Club “MARROW” unites literature enthusiasts at Tallinn University and deals with everything related to literature: we discuss fiction texts, theatre performances and films, we develop creative writing skills, we create opportunities to share our work, we invite both writers and literary scholars to speak, etc.

Who or what is “MARROW”? Marrow as bone marrow - literature as the backbone of society. Marrow as deepening. Marrow as Tenancy. Drama. Beauty. Marrow as one of the classics of Estonian literature. And the marrow as well as everything else it relates to the reader.

Club organizes a creative event at least once a quarter, where you can either create yourself, listen to inspiring people, present your creations, or take part in a film or theatre experience.

Join us

Join our friendly group to participate in all events!

To join, fill the form: HERE!


Manager: Robin Lek

Managing director: Liisi Iling

Marketing manager: Sevinc Mämmädli

Follow us

Instagram: tlu.ydi