Tallinn University Student Union

ISIC student card

A student ID card can be applied for by any individual who is at least 16 years old, enrolled as a student, and studying a higher education curriculum at a university, applied higher education institution, or vocational education institution in Estonia or abroad. The individual may be studying full-time or part-time and in various forms of study (e.g., day study, distance learning, modular study, etc.). A student on academic leave is also eligible to apply for the card.

Open university students are not eligible to apply for an ISIC student card, except for students of the University of Tartu’s open university program. If a person is enrolled in the University of Tartu’s open university curriculum (i.e., not just taking some courses as an external student but completing the entire curriculum), they are a matriculated student and thus eligible to apply for an ISIC student card. Other higher education institutions do not have confirmed curricula in their open universities, so their students are not matriculated students but rather free listeners.

Externs, interns, and residents are not considered students under the Universities Act, so they are not eligible to apply for a student ID card.

ISIC kaart

The international ISIC student card verifies your student status in more than 100 countries worldwide. ISIC offers various discounts at 1,000 locations in Estonia and 125,000 locations abroad. If you apply for an ISIC student card from a bank, it also serves as your bank card.

ISIC student cards with contactless chips can also be used as travel cards on both Tallinn and Harju County public transport, as well as within educational institution systems. From the EDUID card management system, you can apply for both contactless chip and non-chip ISIC student cards. All ISIC student cards applied for from banks include a contactless chip.

The international ISIC student card is issued by: