Tallinn University Student Union


The structure of Tallinn University’s student body is versatile and active student will surely find a unit he likes, where to participate, contribute or where to apply.
By clicking on the items on the right picture, you can get to know them more closely.

Senat Instituudi nõukogud Üliõpilaskonna volikogu Klubid Tugitudengid Üliõpilasnõukogud Õppekolleegium, atesteerimis-komisjon Üliõpilaskonna juhatus ja kontor Kursusevanemad

The Senate

The Senate is the university's academic decision-making body, which is responsible for making important decisions related to the university's research, development, creative and educational activities. There are nine student representatives in the Senate, three of whom belong there on the basis of their position, and the remaining representatives are elected by the council in August based on the nominations submitted.

Institute's Council

Institute's Council adopt the development plan of the academic unit, the curricula of the academic unit and submit them to the senate for approval, may make proposals to the senate to change the unit's statutes, approve the unit's action plan and evaluate the unit's activity report, adopt the budget of the unit's budget project. The councils of the institute also include student representatives, who are elected there by the student councils.

Student Representative Council

Student Representative Council is the highest decision-making body of the student body. The council works in committees where drafts are prepared to change the documents of various decision-making bodies with the aim of improving student life, the quality of education and the development of the university. The council elects the board of the student body.


Clubs are units dedicated to a diverse range of interests for Tallinn University students who have common interests and a passion for certain fields of activity and helps them to come together. Also, it is possible to join for example with the International Club, Photography Club, Theater Club and with several other clubs

Support students

Support students offer students the necessary support and guidance in the first steps of their university life. With the role and guidance of experienced students, support students help new students adapt to the university enviroment, find the right resources and important social connections. Their contribution creates a favorable learning enviroment where students can continiue their studies motivated and successful, thereby supporting the university’s overall mission and educational quality.

The Student Council

Student Council (ÜN), which represents students in institute relations, cooperates with various bodies of the student body and other student councils. ÜN involves students in its activities and in student life organization. In addition, ÜN members elect student representatives to the attestation committeeavisory council and and study college of their unit.

Study Board, Attestation Committee

Study Board is responsible for the systematic and continuous curriculum development of the academic unit, which is based on the latest developments in the research and creative fields, international practice and the needs of the labor market, feedback from curriculum interest groups, analysis of received proposals and current legislation. The study board includes student representatives who are elected by the student councils.

Student Union Executive Board + Personnel

Student Union Executive Board is the three- to five-member executive body of the student body, supported by the Student Union Office.

Head of course

Head of course is the contact person for one course between the university, the student council and the course. The role of the head of course is extremely important, so that as much information as possible would reach the entire course.