Tallinna Ülikooli Üliõpilasesindus

Sports club

TLÜ Sports Club can be contacted for all questions related to sports. We manage the school’s sports facilities, organize internal events, organize students’ participation in both Ylisport events and championships. We also send the best athletes to major events that take place worldwide. Find out more HERE!

Culture club

The Culture Club team organizes and helps organize various events of the student body and its units. The team consists of active and motivated TU students, whose goal is to make school life more exciting and create a greater sense of unity among our students. Find out more HERE!

Photo club

The Student Photo Club unites active photography enthusiasts at Tallinn University. The photo club is from students for students, and if you are interested in photography or filming, join us! We help you gain new experiences and develop your photography skills. Find out more HERE!

Debate club

Our debate club deals with various topics that allow members to develop their argumentation and logical thinking skills. At debate club meetings, all members have the opportunity to participate in debate rounds and experience competitive tension and the exchange of new ideas. Find out more HERE!

Student theater

Tallinn University Student Theater TYYT offers acting opportunities to all Tallinn University students, alumni, teaching staff and other people associated with Tallinn University. If you want to join us, feel free to contact us! Find out more HERE!

Dance girls

TLÜ Dance Girls is a dance group consisting of approximately 20 girls. We train and perform together. You can regularly see us as cheerleaders at Tallinn University volleyball and basketball games and TLÜ/Kalev basketball championship games. Find out more HERE!

International relations society

Our club organizes events in an academic and inspiring as well as a fun atmosphere at the same time. The events concern current events and problems in society and politics. Our student club is open to everyone! The club’s activities are mainly conducted in English. Find out more HERE!

International club

The goal of the club is to offer international students a fun and enjoyable university life and introduce them to Estonian culture. To do this, we organize many interesting trips and fun events, including a welcome concert, a cultural evening, an international high-speed train, workshops and much more. Find out more HERE!