Tallinn University Student Union

Student Council of the Institute of Social Sciences - Civitas

Civitas, the student council of the Institute of Social Sciences (hereafter ÜTI), is a body representing ÜTI students and coordinating student life at ÜTI. Students from different fields of study come together at Civitas, such as political science, sociology, law, social protection and international relations and future studies.

The aim of Civitas is to represent the interests of the students of its institute, to help them and to organize and develop their daily school and student life. Civitas stands for the rights of the institute’s students, but also organizes educational and social activities. Civitas organizes traditional events: get-to-know-you evening, town game, christening of foxes, Christmas party, parliamentary simulation and ÜTI spring days. In addition to these, many other exciting events take place throughout the year.

Many events are organized in cooperation with other student councils of Tallinn University, so IF YOU JOIN TODAY, you will become part of an even bigger university community!

The core of Civitas is made up of executive members, supporting members and the board. General meetings are held once a month, where past and future events and activities are discussed, and all students are welcome to attend!

Be in touch!

If you have joys, worries or thoughts to share and discuss, then:

Ali Jamal Hussein- Chairman of the CIVITAS board

Krystian Lapka- CIVITAS board member in the field of communications

Sofia Üksiratsa- CIVITAS board member in culture

Laetitia Tanja Sedello- CIVITAS board member in education

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