Tallinn University Student Union

Debate club

Tallinn University Debate Club is new and looking for leaders! If you are interested in how to develop your debating skills and express yourself, and you want to meet other students with similar interests, then this is the club for you!

What are we doing?

Our debate club deals with various topics that allow members to develop their argumentation and logical thinking skills. At debate club meetings, all members have the opportunity to participate in debate rounds and experience competitive tension and the exchange of new ideas. If you’re not interested in competing, come along!

One of the goals of the club is to find debating specialists who will help members develop their skills. Both lecturers and practitioners have been invited as guest speakers, who will share their experiences and knowledge about debating. Such meetings also allow members to gain different perspectives and learn to accept others’ ideas or to politely oppose them in a debating culture.

Join us

If you are interested in developing your debating skills, meeting new people and would like to join the debating club, write to vabatahtlikud@esindus.ee. The club is looking for new members, and all university students are welcome!