Tallinn University Student Union


The council is the highest decision-making body of up to 17 members representing the student body of Tallinn University and confirming its views. The work of the council is managed by the speaker of the council.

The council works in committees that deal with the positions, policies and drafts of various units in several fields (including education, research, social and development fields). The council also deals with issues concerning management and organizational development. Drafts are prepared in committees. The council meeting is held once a month.

Student Union Council elections are held in March every year. All Tallinn University students can apply for the council, and all Tallinn University students can elect council representatives!

Be sure to keep an eye on the Student Union's social media channels to apply and be selected!

Council is the highest decision-making body of up to 17 members representing the student body of Tallinn University and confirming its views. The work of the council is managed by the speaker of the council.

The council works in committees that deal with the positions, policies and drafts of various units in several fields (including education, research, social and development fields). The council also deals with issues concerning management and organizational development. Drafts are prepared in committees. The council meeting is held once a month.

The Student Union council elections are held in March every year. All Tallinn University students can apply for the council, and all Tallinn University students can elect council representatives!

Be sure to keep an eye on the student body’s social media channels to apply and be selected!

Council contacts

Andra Hiisjärv – LTI (hiisjarv@tlu.ee);

Laura Tomson – LTI (lauratom@tlu.ee);

Laura Paju – LTI (pajchu@tlu.ee);

Mattias Mõttus – TÜHI (mattiasm@tlu.ee);

Annaliisa Lipp – TÜHI (annalipp@tlu.ee);

Erle Neeme – doktorant (erlnee@tlu.ee);

Pauline Fiomena Springer – ÜTI (pspring@tlu.ee);

Kasper Kürsa – ÜTI (kkyrsa@tlu.ee);

Ana Maria Akhvlediani – BFM (ama@tlu.ee)